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           Top 7 Questions Asked

                      about  Legacy Profiles

Can I talk with Jane Wollman Rusoff before deciding if I’d like a Legacy Profile?

Absolutely. Family Star Productions offers free, no-obligation consultations.


Do I get to approve the Legacy Profile manuscript draft?

Of course. And you may make changes, deletions or additions, if desired.


How much of my time is required for this project?

About an hour for the interview; another one to two hours for a follow-up interview(s), if needed.


What does a Legacy Profile cost?

Each Profile is customized and priced according to time required. Cost ranges from $500 to $2,500 depending on manuscript length, page embellishments, if the interview(s) are held at home or by phone, and whether photos and other mementos will be included.


Can I commission a Legacy Profile about a deceased loved one?

Yes. We interview family members and friends for this tribute, which can be either written or on video.


Do Legacy Profiles make good gifts for family celebrations?

They’re ideal.  We’ve done Profiles for birthday party honorees, anniversaries, bar mitzvahs, and the like.  We’ve even created “get-to-know-your-new-in-laws” Profiles for weddings. Legacy Profiles are also perfect as recognition awards for corporate events.

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