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What We Do


      “I wish I knew more about what my
                       family’s life was like back then!”

Most people know little about their family’s personal history simply because it has never been preserved in writing or on video.  With a Family Star Legacy Profile, your loved one’s, or your own, memories, achievements, values and philosophy are captured for all generations to come.
The honored subject enjoys The Star Treatment in the comfort of home or by phone:
an intimate one-on-one interview by internationally published entertainment journalist
Jane Wollman Rusoff.  A specialist in celebrity personality profiles, she is the author of five books, including How To Be Funny, a collaboration with American comedy legend Steve Allen, creator of The Tonight Show.
“Together we’ll draw out your cherished memories,” says Jane. “It’s fun. The whole exciting process makes you feel good about the life you’ve led and proud of everything you’ve learned and accomplished.”

Told with flair and sensitivity, the custom-designed Legacy Profile is a complete, accurate portrait in the subject’s own words. It reveals childhood reminiscences, romantic and family life, values and morals, challenges that led to success – plus, imparts advice to the younger generations.

Family Star Productions does it all: the interview (one or more), writing, editing, printing and binding.

Finally, Family Star puts everything together in a leather album or bound book with the subject’s photo and name stamped in gold or silver on the cover. 
Video versions are available.

Honor your family’s heritage with a
Legacy Profile
It’s truly a legacy of love.

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